cyber day #19

                                                                  The Twelve Tables

The patricians were known as the upper class while the plebeians were known as the lower class. After being treated unfairly and not having equal rights, the plebeians were done with the way things were being run. This led the plebeians to stage a massive public protest and refused to take up arms as enemy armies closed in. This finally forced the patricians to make some rules around there as a result. A new set of government magistrates were formed. The tribunes of the plebs there were positions exclusively limited to the plebeian class with the power to proposed legislation, intervene in legal matters, and veto the actions of other magistrates. The common people finally had a say in the law, their next move would be to tackle its tyranny-like nature by demanding the law be physically written down. From this demand, the 12 tables were written. Some of which include, the width of roads, punishment for grazing in someone else's fields, and even death penalties for singing abusive songs about others. these laws were originally carved on wooden tablets and set up for public display every where. Eventually, they were upgraded to bronze so that they could be permanent and for hundreds of years  Romans would memorize the laws.


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