High school

Having two older brothers that went to the same high school that I did is a big advantage. They have told me how to get out of things, how to deal with each teacher, and the struggle it is to juggle sports and school. I realized that what they told me about that is very true, I'm experiencing it right now. Walking into John Carroll playing multiple school sports and a club sport I knew it was going to be challenging, but I didn't think it was going to be this difficult. I woke up at 6:15, went to school till 2:45 without any mods off, went straight to volleyball practice for three hours and stayed an extra twenty minutes back to have a meeting with the coaches, went to lacrosse workouts and training for two hours, got home around 8:45, ate serial as dinner, and am now completing my homework. I am emotionally, physically, and mentally drained and its only the second day of school. But here I am at nine, eating funions, drinking coffee, and watching That 70's Show (all amazing things so not really complaining). I know that I am going to get into the groove of things by the end of the week, at least I hope I will.


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