the allegory of the cave

The allegory of the cave was about a group of people who grew up chained to a wall watching shadows on the opposite one learning what each one is. One day, a prisoner is taken out of the cave and put into their modern day society where they have to experience new things, the sun, and what life is actually like outside of the cave. After returning to the cave to tell the others what he has discovered, he is killed because he left the prisoner's life style for a whole new world so they don't want him back because he is thought to be a traitor.
I believe this allegory is meant to represent change. I think this because the prisoners left in the cave did not experience what the other prisoner did. He left the cave, which took a lot of courage, and discovered a whole new world ready to tell the others about. But when he returns they don't like how he has left what everyone else has been doing since childhood because they think that he has now become one of the modern societies peoples. So they don't want him back to spread the modern societies culture and tradition because none of the prisoners like change or want to change because they have been doing their own thing for a very long time.
Change can be a very hard thing to overcome. Change can be overwhelming, terrifying, and completely new.. But only the strongest and bravest can overcome an obstacle like change. Not many people enjoy change including me, I enjoy sticking to a routine.


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