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1. fertile crescent- curved shape and rich land, Greek "land between the rivers"
    Mesopotamia- it is the first river valley civilization
    city-state- describes each city and the surrounding land they controlled
    dynasty- series of rulers from a single family
    cultural diffusion- the process in which a new idea or a product spreads from one culture to another
    polytheism- the belief of more than one god which was what the Sumerians were
    empire- it brings together several peoples, nations, or previously independent states under the control of one ruler
    Hammurabi- he helped the Babylonian Empire reach its peak


  • unpredictable flooding combined with a period of little or no rain (sometimes almost becoming a desert)
  • with no natural barriers for protection, a Sumerian village was nearly defenseless
  • the natural resources of Sumer were limited. Building material and other necessary items were scarce 


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