guns germs and steel part 2

  • 3 things all great civilizations have in common: advanced technology, large populations, a well organized work force
  • pre-history- before things were written down
  • the middle east was thriving
  • 13,000 years ago-hunters/gatherers
  • are there any hunters/gatherers today? yes
  • where are they today? Papua, New Guinea 
  • wild sago- pulp at the center of a tree which can be cooked (doesn't have many proteins or nutrients and has very high levels of natural sugars)
  • barley and wheat are more nutritious than sago
  • the middle east went through a drought that lasted more than a 1,000 years 
  • animal herds died off
  • Draa- a small village that is supposedly the oldest village in the world- 40-50 people living together- 11,500 years ago
  • Draa had the first granary- the storing of grain
  • plant domestication=farming


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