guns and germs and steel part 4

  • meat supply of goats and sheep-first to be domesticated
  • animal domestication benefits: meat, milk, hair/skin for clothes, poop for fertilizer
  • the plow was invented 
  • animals were used as machines for farm work
  • large plant eating animals were ideal for domesticating
  • elephants can't be domesticated because of how large they are-they need a lot of food, need to be kept alive for 14 years till reproduction
  • 14 domesticated animals: goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, bactrian camels, Arabian camels, water buffalo, llamas, reindeer, yaks, mithans, Bali cattle
  • none are from New Guinea
  • Africa- domesticated llamas
  • asia, north africa, middle east- domesticated the other 13
  • middle east (fertile crescent) because of the crops and animals it is one of the places civilization started


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