10 point assignment

Khan Academy Video

  1. stabilization of the population in countries often occurs in industrialized countries because less developed countries, because less developed countries tend to rely on and follow other developed countries for advances
  2. the first stage of the demographic transition shows a decrease in population. The second and third stages show an increase in population due to technological advances. The fourth stage shows a decrease in population because of the lowered number of people having children. 
  3.  most countries were at stage 1 until the 18th century

Video From Kim Smith, Ph.D.

  1. in stage three, the crude birth rate slowly decreases, and the population becomes more stabilized; women are starting to work and children are becoming liabilities instead of assets
  2. a major concern with over population is called the demographic trap. People have theorized that if a regions population becomes to high, they will begin to lose many required and essential resources for survival so they would be pushed back into stage one. 
  3. women and children were considered property and part of the mans wealth
Why Populations Grow

  1. one way to measure the growth of the population is to calculate the doubling time the length of time it takes for the population to double in size by 70
  2. most developed countries are found in stage four. This means their population is stable. Reasons behind this could include having strong economies, having more educated citizens, strong health care systems, more women in the work force and are highly urbanized. 
  3. Japans population predicted to fall 21% by 2050
Most Helpful
I think the most helpful video was Why Populations Grow. This video was more helpful than the other two videos because it had many clips and pictures to help me visualize what they were saying, this helped me understand better what they were trying to inform me about. The other videos did have pictures and clips but not as many as the third video which is why I was drawn to it the most.


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