
Hans Rosling: two-hundred years in four minutes

  • teaches global health
  • animating data in real space
  • life expectancy was below forty and made less than forty thousand dollars in 1810
  • World War One
  • Spanish flu epidemic
  1. twenty-fifty million killed around the world
  2. six-hundred seventy-five thousand killed in the United States
  • 1948
  1. World War Two
So in the video we watched today, we saw a chart that had all the countries and their life expectancy, income, and industrial growth. I learned that they all started in the same place which was a very low place in the corner of the chart. Then as industrialization started the countries started to rise lead by America and Canada. Then there was China in the middle slowly starting to work its way up since it has such a large population. During World War Two every country dropped because men kept dieing in the war which made the population drop. We have a quiz on this that is going into quarter two, thank God, but I think I will do good on it.


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