Test questions

So today we went over some questions that might be on the test on Friday. There are fifteen questions about certain countries on the CIA world fact book so we can use that site for twenty minutes to find the answers. That should be pretty easy for me because I can get around the site and find information pretty fast so I should be fine on that. There is a matching vocab part that I should do fine on too. I think I am going to get a one-hundred on both of those parts because I get to use the website in the first part and I'm good at memorizing vocab on the second part. There is one question that we were told that would be on the test it was: name two push and pull forces and list the country. So I need to go on the website and look up the certain country I am going to put as the answer and the push and pull forces for them. So I really hope to get a one-hundred percent on a ninety something on this test because it seems pretty easy.


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