Quiz tomorrow

In class today we went over the power point slides that have information on the quiz for tomorrow. I thought the quiz was today so I tried cramming a bunch of studying in during my off mod before lunch. Thankfully the quiz is actually tomorrow so I can properly study and prepare myself. I am going to go over the power point a few times before I go to bed so it stays in my mind over night till the next morning. I find that is the best way I personally study and get good grades on my quizzes and tests. I will also go over the power point in my off mod right before lunch and maybe before class if I get there early enough. Usually what drops my grades down are the tests and quizzes not the homework and class work, which I get completed every time. It's about how prepared I am for the quiz or test. I am going to prepare myself very well for this quiz so I can get a good score that can hopefully bring my B to an A.


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