cia fact book and today

The fact book was pretty cool but I don't think I will ever use it outside of this class. It's cool and all but I think I would only use it in a classroom because I don't really wonder what the death or birth rate of a country is. I do like how you can find everything from birth and death rate to how many people use the internet in a country. So I thought that was pretty neat. It was also raining all day and was a bit dark too. During first period it was still dark out so that made me a bit tired for the rest of the day. Since I was pretty tired during the day I fell asleep in honors bio and Cici had to wake me up before Mr. Low could notice. I got some extra credit points for math for staying in a math teacher's classroom and doing a worksheet for twenty minutes and I feel really good about my math test I took the other day so I hope both of those can boost my grade up a bit. I also got a forty-eight out of fifty on my verb test. And I got a nineteen point five out of twenty on my graded Spanish homework. So other than being tired for most of the day it wasn't that bad.


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