We had a test today about A Message to Garcia, Socrates, and Athenian democracy. I think I did pretty good on it, I might have gotten a 100% but I'm not sure it's in your hands. I didn't know the bonus question but I knew it started with a D but it's okay cause I feel really good about the rest of the quiz. I think my essay question answers were pretty good too. I think that I put in my best effort and put in all the information I knew about the topic question. I also think that mine were a good length, they weren't as long as some of the over achiever in the class. My essays that I type for English are probably my best ones. But I do feel good about the essay questions from today's quiz. I think I did really good on this test and am ready for any other ones.
cyber day #8
It is important for students to understand that the school's faculty and staff value student honesty and integrity. Academic dishonesty, cheating and other forms of using other people's work as your own like plagiarism, are considered serious breaks of academic integrity and are major violations of the standards and behavior expected from all students. There are many reasons students choose to plagiarize or cheat. Reasons range from the more genuine lack of knowledge to outright dishonorable intentions. Some of these acts include: desire to get a good grade, fear of failing, procrastination or poor time management, disinterest in the assignment, and belief they will not get caught. None of these instances are acceptable reasons to plagiarize, cheat, or commit other acts of academic dishonesty. Students who choose to plagiarize or cheat give themselves an unfair advantage on assignments and disrespect the hard work of others in the class. It is important that students understa...
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